I thought I'd provide a pictorial story of my love of bags and bag making, plus include a photo of a special bag I've had since childhood. That one will be last on the list!
I suggest you brew a cup of tea or coffee and sip while you browse through my bag history photos. Some of the bags I made were for my personal use some years ago and you won't find them listed in my shop (click HERE to go to my Etsy shop or see the SHOP tab at the top of my site). But if you do see something you like in the photos that aren't offered for sale, I do take custom orders, so please don't hesitate to contact me.
The above photo is my canopy bed showcasing the carpet bags I made when my husband and I were living on Prince Edward Island.
Below is a bag in one of my favorite fabrics that I gifted to my youngest sister. The fabric also covers my cutting board table in my sewing room. I've had this fabric for many years.

This must be the most gorgeous fabric that I have ever used! I made two of these carpet bags while living in Canada. I purchased this fabric in Massachusetts when I went down to visit family and friends. I wish I had bought more. I had close to 40 "likes" on my Etsy shop for this bag. One bag went to Australia and one to France! I have yet to find anything like this fabric since.

Next is the very first carpet bag I ever made. It's mine. I still have it. I still use it. They are made well to last a long time! I can't even remember when I started making these Victorian carpet bags. Many years ago. I've given quite a few as gifts.

My black shoulder bag is made from microfiber suede. I added credit card slots on the inside so I wouldn't need a separate wallet. This has served me well and is still in great condition.

The next bag I made from scratch. It's a backpack that I made my own pattern from a worn-out store-bought black vinyl bag that I purchased from JC Penny! I measured the parts of the bag and had to figure out where to start piecing it together! There are three large compartments inside which is so neat and two double pull zippers, plus a few zippered pockets. It's not large like a backpack you'd use for a camping trip. It's pocketbook size - everyday size - a just right size!
It holds a lot of stuff! A book - a magazine - even lunch! I had a black tassel hanging on the front at one time. And I've had to make some minor repairs to keep it going longer. I still have it but it's worn in a couple of places. It's made of my favorite fabric from way back and I still have some of the same. I'm thinking I might want to make another one for myself! It's so elegant, don't you think?

Here's the backside and two views of the inside compartments. I added credit card slots and pen slots with zippered pockets so I didn't need to stash a wallet inside.

And here's a matching tote bag. And the next one is my book bag which holds my Bible.

I still use this book bag for my Bible.

As you can see, I can't get enough of this black floral fabric! Below is another bag I made for travel. Holds more stuff!

Here's my coordinated ensemble in the sewing room of my house in Canada! The lightweight reversible coat I made before we moved to Canada is still worthy of wearing. Now they're all in my house in South Carolina. My special sewing assistant, Dolly, is modeling my coat and backpack. :-)

This rust-red microfiber suede backpack is the same pattern as the black floral I made except I made it a bit larger. I only used this a couple of times. Once for traveling by plane to visit my daughter and family. I had it hanging in my sewing room closet along with the black floral. The closet has a ladder staircase to the attic.
Do you know what happened? Oh my goodness! We had a mouse or two in the house and guess which backpack they decided to chew a hole into? Not the worn-out black floral backpack but this rust-red one that was in perfect condition! I mean, really? UGH! Mr. or Mrs. Mouse chewed the bottom right-hand corner and it still needs to be mended somehow. I haven't gotten around to figuring out how and so it sits in a bureau drawer upstairs.

Here's the backside of the backpack.

Here's another book or Bible bag I made for my husband years ago, but he didn't like to use it. Felt like he was carrying a pocketbook! :-)

Here's a little girl's shoulder bag I made for my granddaughter, Olvia, several years ago. It's made from a pair of jeans - the back pocket area.

Here's a lovely large blue and white floral tote I made for my niece, Audra, gifted at her bridal shower.

Made this one with my favorite black floral fabric - again - for travel and everyday use. I made a mistake and used a dressmaker black corduroy with white dots for the lining and for the detail on the front. Dressmaker fabric does not hold up well in bag making. The fabric ripped eventually. The lace detail on the front is leftover from my daughter's wedding gown that I made for her. :-) The pink velveteen buttons are from the Victorian couch that I and my friend, Jane, reupholstered many years ago when I was living in Massachusetts. That couch is still with me. We upholstered it in black microfiber suede.
Please note: ALL the bags I make to sell are constructed in sturdy home decor upholstery fabric. I do not use dressmaker fabric for any bags.
My bag is nonetheless gorgeous, yes? It also has straps to use as a backpack.

One of the envelope purses for my first Etsy shop while living in Canada. My shop's name was Tintenfleck Studio. I started with art and jewelry. Later, I added bags to my repertoire. And I still sell those handmade letter pendants in my Etsy shop HERE. Check out the sections labeled "Letter Pendants/Copper" and "Letter Pendants/Black."

Black faux fur tote lined in black and white Toile. I sold this from my shop in Canada.

Brown faux fur tote. The brown fur is so soft! I still have some fur left to make more totes.

And a luschious white faux fur tote!

This brown faux fur tote was a custom order from a young woman in Australia. She had a photo of a bag she saw online somewhere and wanted fur handles and a more square shape than the ones I was already making. She was delighted with her purchase!

A simple and practical ivory Chenille/velvet envelope purse. Perfect for dressy occasions.

And a copper brown velveteen envelope purse.

This is my own foldover zippered tote (like the ones in my shop) that I've been using for the past two years. Isn't the rose floral fabric gorgeous? I bought that fabric in Massachusetts. I do have more of it, so if you like this style, I can make it for you in the same fabric. The foldover totes are very roomy for everyday use.

And last but not least, the bag I've had the longest since my grade school years, is this bookworm bag my mom made me. I can't believe I still have this bag because if I had left it in my childhood home after I married, I'm sure it would've been tossed out at some point. My mom is known for throwing things out. Not much nostalgia at times! I still have my mom, too! She's 94. :-)

The pattern called for that yarn strap which really didn't stand up to carrying heavy books. I don't think I used it very much. I now use it for stashing my embroidery items. As you can see, it's in great shape except for the strap and a few bits of missing embroidery.
And that's my roundup of the bags that have been a part of my life - mostly the latter part!
If you've seen something you would like for yourself or someone else, let me know your thoughts and I'll see if I can make it for you! Or you can click on this link HERE to take you directly to my Etsy shop and pick out something there. All items come gift-wrapped.
Have a great rest of your weekend!